Through template-based ad production & easy editing of legal text. Reduce mistakes and keep your ads compliant.
when optimising ad production through creative automation.
compared to market standards. Maximise performance by tailoring messaging for both private banking and consumer audiences.
"Zuuvi has enabled us to scale our creative production, delivering a higher quantity, and more creative ads to our channels than before.
Our agility has greatly improved, allowing us to quickly adapt to market changes, or bring new creative ideas to life."
Christina W.
Digital Marketing Consultant
Middelfart Sparekasse
Work side-by-side with agencies within Zuuvi, streamlining your workflows and reducing time-to-market.
Zuuvi automatically codes all your ads in the background as you create them.
Trusted by the largest financial player in the game in Europe.
Optimise your ads in real time to maximise the ROI of your ad campaigns.
Push your ads directly to your preferred DSP. This lets you merge export and upload into one step.
Use Zuuvi's animations to produce creative, attention-grabbing creatives.