Zuuvi for Telco

Create and manage your ads for all programmatic channels. DOOH, Display, Social - you name it.
Use retargeting integrations to target your ads towards only the most relevant audiences.




Grow Subscription Base

Deliver the right ads to viewers interested in subscriptions.

Show personalised ads to those who have previously engaged with ads or subscription pages, making sure your subscription base is always expanding.


Increase Share of Wallet from Side Subscriptions

By automating high performing, relevant or contextual ads.

A simple way of differentiating your ads when you sell your streaming, broadband or hardware side subscription products.


Take Control of Your Telco Ads

No more waiting - take back execution power.

Telco marketing moves fast, and you need the flexibility to adapt instantly.
Price change on your best-selling subscription? Update it in your live ads within minutes and be the person who responds, “Done and implemented.”


Make Rule-Based Telco Campaigns

Use our automations to set up Telco campaigns that require few repetitive tasks and let your designers spend their time refining your brand's custom templates.

Create custom rules that automatically assigns the right templates to your ads -subscription-relevant templates for subscription ads, product-focused templates for product ads, or flashier sales templates for your promotional campaigns.


Create. Publish. Optimise.
All in One Platform.

3 (Hi3G Denmark) - Se hvad de kan give dig af internet i dag

"The great thing about working with Zuuvi is that I can design the campaigns, and if my brand managers want to, they can easily change the messaging themselves within the same platform [...]

Also, we have learned how easy it is to create DCO campaigns which made us rethink things within our company."

Lars Christensen
Graphic Design Manager
3 Denmark

Increase Brand Recognition

Dial up your ad performance by scaling brand compliant ads across all channels.


Reuse TVC in Display Ads

Reuse your TVC productions in display advertising, ensuring your brand recognition is as high as possible.


No-Code Ad Production

Zuuvi automatically codes all your ads in the background as you create them.


Live-edit Ads

Tweak your ads on the fly whenever you have the need, without repeating previous processes.



Direct Push

Push your ads directly to Adform or your preferred DSP, merging export and upload to one step.


Collaborate with Agencies

Work side-by-side with any agency within the platform, reducing lengthy back-and-forth feedback rounds.

Read more about collaborating with agencies.


Track & Maintain Campaigns

Track your ads and maintain your campaigns ensuring ad performance is always maxed out.

Zynq Time to Market

Decrease Your Time-to-Market by up to 90%

Reduce bottlenecks by creating and managing your ads across all programmatic channels in one single platform.

By cutting excessive steps in their ad production process, our customers have seen time-to-market decreases by up to 90% when transitioning to Zuuvi. 


Zynq Ad Fatigue

Decrease Ad Fatigue

Make sure your ads are never ignored through live updating campaigns with new ad content.

... Or you can use our Display Automation to avoid switching out anything manually - just set up a number of templates that are automatically used in your campaigns.

It really is as simple as that.

Get in Touch